Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lost 2.8 Pounds This Week!

WooHoo! I lost 2.8 lbs. and my leader said, "You'll hit 35 pounds next week." I sure hope so! The 35 lbs. doesn't take into account the 29 lbs. that I lost before officially joining Weight Watchers, so my total now is 63 lbs.! That is twice the size of my little girl!

So, why then after I see a success, do I beat myself up over spending the money on Weight Watchers? I'm on the monthly plan which costs $39.99/month. This is going to be a tight month financially for us with my two adult stepsons moving in with us. Anyone who has fed teenager boys can attest to the increase our grocery budget is feeling. One will be starting college at the end of the month, so I have to budget for him to buy some new clothes and supplies too. So, then I ask myself, do we have the money to continue Weight Watchers? Alan said, "Can your really put a price on your health?" I guess I just feel guilty spending that money on me. Or maybe it is that I would rather spend that money on other things like:

  1. A new bike for me and one for Butterbean. I would love to have one of those retro cruiser style bikes or one of those adult tricycles. I love those adult tricycles! I know it is strange, but they are so functional with the basket in the back. It's like riding a giant purse! I love purses!
  2. Speaking of purses, I bought a Butler Bag from Kmart. I love it, but the material is very cheaply made and the color is peeling off of it. I would love to get a real leather one. A girl's gotta have dreams!
  3. This one is more of a need than a want: I need some new bras. I hate buying them, because they are so expensive and the comfortable ones look like something my mother would wear. I really want some pretty ones, but for now I just need some that fit properly. The ones I have have been tightened as far as they can go, but there isn't much I can do about my shrinking girls except gain weight and that is NOT an option!
  4. OK another need: I really need to go see a doctor about my knee. I injured it in college and lately it has been bothering me (part of the reason I got serious about losing weight, because what is the first thing any doctor is going to say to a 339 lbs woman who comes in and complains that her knee hurts? Lose weight!) I hate to go, because I'm sure it is going to involve X-rays and possibly long needles into the cartilage, and I doubt that I will have my daddy's shoulder to cry on like the last time they did that to me. I won't even have my husband's shoulder to cry on when the bill comes, because he would just fuss about how much he hates doctors. Besides, if I do go and the doctor does tell me to lose weight, I might deck him!
Anyway, tell me about how you deal with the expense of paying for a weight loss program? Or are you doing it on your own?

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