Recently, I had the opportunity to become a “Pixel Praiser” on one of my favorite digital scrapbooking websites. Pixel Praisers go through the gallery of scrapbook layouts online and leave happy little comments about the layouts that members have uploaded to the website. I decided to join this group mainly to fuel my digital scrapbooking addiction. Pixel Praisers have full access to a wide variety of free stuff to use in their scrapbooks.
In my quest to do a good job, I have been studying up on effective praise and have learned that whether you are praising adults or children or even praising God a few rules apply.
1. Praise specifically—If you want to develop a world class athlete for the New Orleans Saints, which would be more effective, “Great game!” or “I like the way you coordinated your body movements in that front block tackle.”? Likewise, God wants you to praise Him specifically for how He has blessed you. Chron. 20:21 and Ps. 99:3-4
. Praise effort not accomplishment—I found this to be strange, but studies show that kids who were praised on their intelligence often refused to attempt anything that was deemed harder that their last success. So, rather than telling a child that he is smart, congratulate him on his success and praise his effort. With God, often we don’t see the whole picture. God wants us to praise him in all things, because we know that all things work for our good. Romans 8:28
3. Praise builds a bridge to relationships—People like to be noticed for their hard work. I am amazed how people respond with just a little note of praise. In the same way, God is a personal God. The Bible tells us that we are the temple of God; that He dwells and walks with us. That is pretty personal, and through opening your heart to praise Him, you will build a closer relationship with Him! . :
4. The more you praise the easier it is to praise—As you spend time praising others, you will find that the attitude of gratitude continues and becomes a habit. God desires our praises continually. Hebrews 13:15
Spend some time this week praising! Praise your family for their efforts. Praise your co-workers for helping you, but most of all praise God for the blessing that He has given you.