I decided to turn gardening upside down, but after looking at the $20---75 planters that they sell on the internet, I decided to make my own. I came across this site that shows how to make one out of store bought objects but that just didn't do it for my frugal side....so.....I decided to use those wonderful plastic buckets that I get with the kitty litter and food. Yes, I try to buy things in paper bags that can be composted, but the TidyCats Small Spaces litter comes in either a bucket or a jug. I have tried other litters, but that Small Spaces litter is the best! It is even better than regular TidyCats...I don't know what the difference is, but I digress.....
Here are some photos of my upside down cherry tomato plants. I should have painted the buckets before planting them, but I will get around to that later...
My Bonnie tomato plants say to bury 80% of the plant which I have never done before, but am doing it this year. This is supposed to help the tomato have a deeper, stronger root system since the stem will put out roots if it is planted. That is why you see green in the bucket there.
The twine was used to replace the handle which would have made the bucket hang crooked on the hook that we had.
Here they are hanging up! I planted oregano seeds in one and basil seeds in the other. I'm hoping that this will serve as "living mulch" to prevent moisture loss.